
New Student Convocation

Convocation, which literally translates to "come together," is one of two seminal ceremonies that bookend the Oregon State University academic year. Whereas commencement celebrates graduates, convocation celebrates new students — in Corvallis and online. Each fall, Oregon State officially welcomes new students during the New Student Convocation ceremony. Students are expected to attend in person or participate via the live stream.



Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2025

  • Student Line-up: 2:15 p.m. | New students will line up by college in the Memorial Union (MU) Quad 
  • Processional: 3:00 p.m. | New students will participate in the New Student Walk down 26th Street 
  • Ceremony: 3:30 p.m. | Convoction will be in Gill Coliseum 

All university senior leaders, faculty and staff are welcome and encouraged to attend Convocation as guests. Cheer on Oregon State's incoming students from the sidewalk as they walk in the processional from the MU Quad down 26th Street, then find a seat in Gill Coliseum for the ceremony. 

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Watch 2024 recording